Health One Family Medicine

Bug bites and how to treat them

As much as we love being outdoors, it brings along some pests that are hard to control. Some just cause harmless little bites while others can cause diseases and infections.

Thus, here are some precautionary measures you can take in order to avoid bug bites. For those who have already been bitten or stung, we’ll also give some treatment related advice.

Symptoms of Bug Bites

  • Slight burning sensation
  • Redness on skin
  • Skin swelling or hurting
  • Itchiness

Bug bite symptoms don’t last for more than a day or two because they heal on their own but if it is something serious, then they usually change into something worse like fever or infection.

There are many kinds of insects or bugs that can cause these symptoms such as ticks, mites, lice, ants, fleas (from pets) or just simply an unforgiving bee. Getting stung from insects such as bees, scorpions, wasps, mosquitoes, red ants and spiders can be dangerous in some cases.

If you encounter a bug, it is likely that it will bite you either because it wants to feed on the protein in your blood or because it feels threatened and bites as a defense mechanism. Either way, it is not a favorable situation.

If you know what bit you, then you can get proper treatment as soon as possible. Otherwise, it is best to get it checked by a doctor, in case of any severe reactions.

Preventing bug bites

As always, prevention is the best cure so we will start off with steps that you can take to avoid getting bitten.

  • Have your house fumigated every year or when you move into a new place.
  • Spray insecticide on the lawn or backyard.
  • Change the bed sheets every week to prevent bed bugs from residing there.
  • Don’t eat on your bed and don’t leave crumbs behind.
  • Get your furry pets checked by the vet for fleas and bathe them regularly.

Treatment for bug bites

  • If a bee has stung you, then carefully remove the stinger with tweezers. Clean the area with antibacterial soap and water.
  • If the bite is swelling, then use an ice pack over it to reduce inflammation.
  • If the bite is starting to hurt, then you can use over-the-counter painkillers.
  • You can also use a baking soda and water solution and apply it on the area to reduce the bug bite symptoms.

It is recommended to consult a doctor after a day or two if the symptoms persist or worsen. To schedule a consult with Dr. Parikh at Health One Family Medicine call 469-262-5762, or visit for more information.

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