Health One Family Medicine

Depression Specialist In Irving, TX

Health One Family Medicine in Irving, Texas offers compassionate care and treatment to patients of all ages suffering from depression, anxiety, or insomnia.

Depression Q & A

Depression and anxiety disorders are serious medical issues that require ongoing care to manage.

While everyone feels sad from time to time, people with clinical depression have persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and despair that interfere with normal everyday living and take a significant toll on their quality of life.

Unlike “normal” feelings of sadness triggered by an event like a death or other loss, clinical depression causes feelings of sadness and hopelessness even without any specific triggering event.

People with clinical depression can have difficulties with work, school, and personal relationships, and they may consider or even attempt suicide.

That’s because clinical depression is caused by an imbalance of important mood-stabilizing chemicals in the brain, and medical care is needed to help “rebalance” these chemicals so feelings of depression can be resolved.

An anxiety disorder is a serious medical condition that causes people to feel anxious on a routine basis and in the absence of a triggering event.

People with anxiety disorders often have feelings of nervousness, fear, and dread that are out of proportion to any issue of concern.

Like depression, anxiety disorders can interfere with a person’s ability to function normally at work, at school or in social or family situations.

Anxiety can be triggered by different events depending on the type of anxiety disorder that’s involved.

For instance, people with general anxiety disorders tend to feel overanxious most of the time, while those with separation anxiety, agoraphobia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or social anxiety tend to experience symptoms under specific circumstances.

People with severe anxiety often develop panic attacks that can cause symptoms like rapid heartbeat, extreme sweating, rapid breathing and extreme emotional reactions. Anxiety disorders and depression often occur together, with one condition exacerbating the other.

Treatment for both clinical depression and anxiety disorders typically relies on medications to rebalance brain chemicals, sometimes combined with counseling to help patients replace negative feelings and reactions with positive ones.

Ongoing management is necessary to help patients keep their conditions under control. Regular office visits help ensure treatment remains targeted to each patient’s needs.