Health One Family Medicine

5 Common Myths About Puberty

Puberty can be a daunting and confusing time for children since their bodies go through numerous changes that they cannot make sense of. Unfortunately, tons of misinformation surrounding pubertal development may make children even more confused and worried.

This is why parents should do their best to guide their children, provide them with the right knowledge, and tell them what is true and false. We have compiled this guide of the most common myths about puberty that parents should unpack with their children and debunk.

Puberty Myths that Need to Be Debunked

Here’s a list of the most common puberty myths that parents should address with their sons and daughters:

Myth 1: Puberty is Scary and Unpleasant

Puberty is not necessarily a scary or unpleasant experience. By knowing about what is involved and what it entails, it will help you get prepared. This will also make it seem less scary and daunting. There are good things about puberty as well, such as the fact that you will be growing older, bigger, and taller.

Myth 2: Boys and Girls Hit Puberty at the Same Time

The fact is that puberty is a unique experience for everyone, and it hits everyone differently. The truth is that girls generally do hit puberty earlier than boys. They can get puberty between eight to thirteen years old, but boys typically get it when they are fifteen.

Myth 3: Acne Is Caused by Bad Diet and Unclean Skin

While hygiene and diet do contribute to the development of acne, they don’t control it. It is actually due to the changing hormones that cause acne. They stimulate the sebaceous glands to create more sebum, and the glands can get overactive, which leads to the overproduction of pimples.

Myth 4: Puberty Happens Overnight

There are multiple things that happen in your body when you hit puberty. This is why it is nearly impossible for everything to happen all at once. Our body does not develop that fast and certainly not overnight. In fact, it might take several years from the first signs of puberty to appear to the last ones.

Myth 5: Puberty Means You Won’t Like Your Parents Anymore

While it is true that puberty is the time when individuals seek out relationships outside of their family, it does not mean that they don’t like their parents. They simply want to spend time with other, like-minded people who understand them. They might not want to spend time with their parents, but they will still need them for support.

Final Words

Puberty can be daunting, especially when you don’t know exactly what is happening. Reading up on all the information regarding pubertal development and busting common puberty myths can help make things easier.

If you find something unusual or want to fact-check something, consider getting in touch with a trained medical professional. They can give you the right advice you need. To make an appointment with a licensed medical practitioner at Health One Family Medicine, you can call at (469)262-5762 or visit our website

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