Health One Family Medicine

4 Most Common Genetic Disorders 

Most often, ‘genetic’ and ‘hereditary’ are used interchangeably to describe certain diseases that are inherited from parents. However, it should be noted that the two are quite different.

Hereditary diseases are the ones that are passed down from a parent to a child, and then the child passes on the disease to their offspring and so on. However, genetic disorders are not necessarily created this way. While they can be inherited from parents, they can also occur due to a genetic mutation caused randomly by the environment.

This blog will go over the list of the most common genetic disorders and what you need to know about them.

Most Common Genetic Disorders

Here is a list of the common genetic disorders that are caused by the environment, genetic mutation, or passed down from a parent:

1.      Cystic Fibrosis

This is caused by a gene mutation that affects the mucus, digestive juices, and sweat. As a result, it damages the respiratory, reproductive, and digestive systems in a child. Cystic Fibrosis may be passed down by children who inherit one copy of the gene from their parent.

They would be unaffected by this disorder. However, those that inherit two copies, one from each parent, may go on to develop this disorder. 

2.      Sickle Cell Disease

This disease is caused both by genetic mutation and hereditary causes. The genes responsible for the hemoglobin protein are mutated in this case and develop a sickle shape. As a result, the individual experiences anemia and significant damage to the kidneys, lungs, and heart.

This is one of the most common hereditary diseases in the country. If both parents have the defective gene, there’s a 25% chance that the child might have this disease.

3.      Hemophilia

This is one of the most common genetic disorders that men typically have. It can be described as having a deficiency in blood clotting, which results in abnormal bleeding. Hemophilia is caused by the mother having a mutated X chromosome, which will be passed along to the son.

This is why women are typically carriers of hemophilia while males inherit and develop this genetic disorder.

4.      Huntington’s Disease

This genetic disease occurs during mid-life when the nerve cells in the brain begin to deteriorate, and they lose function in their muscles and brain. An inherent defect in the gene causes this autosomal dominant disorder. They only need one copy of this gene to develop it.

Final Words

It is always important to get yourself screened by your primary care physician for these disorders or any other genetic disorders. Early screening leads to better diagnosis and treatment, so it is imperative that you get yourself tested at your earliest.

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