Health One Family Medicine

4 Common Mental Health Issues in Adults

Mental health issues, also known as psychological illnesses, impact a person’s thoughts, moods, and behaviors. Although no conclusive evidence links the probability of developing mental health illnesses to genetics, lifestyle choices like activity levels and diet might affect the emergence of diseases like depression and anxiety.

That said, these issues can be chronic or occasional. They also impact people’s capacity to interact with people and carry out daily tasks. Of course, there are various ways to prevent or cure mental illnesses. However, some issues are more severe and require expert help. So, with that in mind, here are some common mental health in adults:

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

One of the most common mental health issues in adults is PTSD. Any traumatic event can trigger post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a mental health illness that can affect anyone, regardless of age or sex. However, this mental health issue Is typically common in adults. Things that can induce PTSD include violent crimes, sexual or physical abuse, acts of war or torture, as well as natural calamities like earthquakes and fires.

Treatment for PTSD requires taking specific medication and visiting a psychiatrist or psychologist daily or weekly. However, that also depends on the severity of your PTSD.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are one of the most common mental health issues in adults today. However, there is more to eating disorders than just a person’s relationship with food. They are complicated mental illnesses that frequently necessitate professional medical and psychological assistance. These conditions bring unhealthy eating patterns, such as a fixation with food, body weight, or body shape.

When eating disorders are severe, they can have detrimental effects on health and, if not treated, can become fatal. Symptoms include purging behaviors like excessive exercise or intentional vomiting, binge eating, severe dietary restrictions, etc. Some common eating disorders include:

  • Rumination disorder
  • Binge eating disorder
  • Bulimia nervosa
  • Anorexia nervosa


Adults on constant medication or who have taken substances before are typically more prone to paranoia than those who haven’t. By definition, the persistent and unreasonable belief that someone is out to get you is known as paranoia.

Schizophrenia, delusional (paranoid) disorder and paranoid personality disorder are among the illnesses for which paranoia can be a symptom. That said, psychological/psychiatric treatment and medication are both parts of the treatment for paranoia.


There is no doubt that anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues in adults these days. In fact, according to the ADAA, around forty million people in the US, adults over 18, suffer from anxiety. People who suffer from anxiety usually feel afraid and uneasy.

While many people might feel these things, for example, during public speaking events or job interviews, those with severe anxiety disorders feel these things in situations that are generally not stressful.

Furthermore, anxiety attacks might linger for up to six months and won’t go away until proper treatment is administered.

Wrapping Up

This wraps up our list of common mental health issues in adults. We hope that this will increase your mental health awareness and allow you to take steps to improve your overall mental health and well-being. 

For more information on various mental health issues and their treatment options, contact Health One Family Medicine by calling (469)262-5762 or visiting today.

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