Health One Family Medicine

What Is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that is associated with feeling widespread pain in your bones and muscles. The sufferer also experiences general fatigue. Since the symptoms of Fibromyalgia are subjective in nature and cannot be diagnosed through tests, Fibromyalgia tends to get misdiagnosed and is misunderstood to be a different disease. Nearly 5 million Americans have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. The disorder is more common in women than it is in men and usually develops in individuals who are older than 30 years old.

Let’s take a look at the symptoms and causes of Fibromyalgia and whether it can be treated.  

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

A person suffering from Fibromyalgia will develop the following symptoms:

  • Pain
  • Problems in sleeping
  • Tender points – these are areas around the joints and other places in your body. A person suffering from fibromyalgia experiences pain if you apply pressure on these points.
  • Trouble in concentrating and remembering something
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Stiffness in the morning
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Numbness
  • Tingling sensations in the arms, hands, legs, and feet
  • Painful cramps during menstruation
  • Stiffness in the muscles

Causes of Fibromyalgia

The exact cause of this disorder is unknown. Studies suggest that Fibromyalgia results due to a chemical imbalance in the brain and changes in how the central nervous system processes pain related messages. Fibromyalgia may also be hereditary in nature. It can be triggered by an external event as well that causes extreme emotional and physical stress. This can be:

  • An injury
  • An infection
  • A surgical procedure
  • Giving birth
  • Sexual abuse
  • The loss of a loved one
  • Relationship problems

Treatment of Fibromyalgia

At present, there is no known cure for this disorder. Treatment is based on pain management, therapy, and lifestyle changes. The type of medication prescribed usually depends on the symptoms. This includes:

  • Pain relieving medication such as analgesics
  • Opioids in severe cases
  • Anti-convulsant drugs
  • Anti-depressants

In the case of therapy, people with Fibromyalgia usually undergo physiotherapy. This can help relieve pain. It also provides you with strength and you are able to become more physically active and independent.

Occupational therapy is also used to treat the symptoms of Fibromyalgia.  This kind of therapy allows individuals to recover by performing day-to-day activities. Lifestyle changes, counseling, and cognitive behavioral therapy are also used to treat Fibromyalgia.

You must also maintain a healthy diet based on fruits and vegetables instead of meat. Make sure to drink enough water and reduce your sugar intake as well. A proper diet can prevent your symptoms from worsening.

To Sum It Up

Fibromyalgia can have a disruptive effect on your life. However, with the right kind of treatment and therapy, you can still lead a normal life.

If you’re seeking further advice on the symptoms of Fibromyalgia, we suggest you make an appointment with a physician at Health One Family Medicine, visit call (469)262-5762.