Health One Family Medicine

Hair Loss: Can I Do Anything About It?

Hair loss is a rather common occurrence. It is normal to lose around 100 strands of hair every day but drastic thinning of hair and hair loss is a cause of concern. The m­ajority of people experience bald spots or thinning hair around the age of 50. Even though it is common, living with hair loss can be tough. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can prevent and address the problem of hair loss.  

Balanced Diet

What you eat affects the quality of your hair. If your diet is filled with junk food, processed food, and sugary items, then the lack of nutrients weakens hair strands and enhances breakage. It is essential that you are consuming a healthy diet which is filled with necessary nutrients to make your hair stronger. Make sure you include:

  • Loads of fruits and veggies
  • Protein rich foods like fish and eggs
  • Food rich in vitamin B

The right foods offer nutrient and moisture to your hair, prevents brittle and dry hair, keep your hair follicles strong and prevent hair breakage and loss.  

Stress Management

Increasing stress affects your overall health, this is a known fact. Stress increases the levels of cortisol which enhances hair shedding. It is important to manage your stress in order to prevent health issues and hair loss. Try incorporating stress relieving activities like meditation, yoga, exercise, and other activities that help you in reducing stress levels.

Scalp Care

Your hair follicles get blood supply through your scalp which helps the hair to grow. It is essential that you take proper care of your scalp by keeping it hydrated and nourished to enhance healthy hair growth. Apply oil on your scalp and massage it at least once a week, use only high quality hair products that offer proper nutrients, consume more berries, walnuts, almonds and other foods packed with vitamin E that enhances scalp circulation.  

Biotin Supplements

Numerous researches have found that biotin supplements can treat brittle nails and thinning hair. Biotin assists your body in metabolizing protein and fats which enhances the quality of nails and hair.  

Trying a Different Hair Style

If you have bald patches or have thin hair, you can try getting a different hair cut or style to mask it. Consult your hair stylist to determine which haircut or hair style can add more bounce and volume to your hair to make it look thicker and healthier.  

Hair Transplant

If your hair loss is hereditary then it will be difficult to grow your hair back naturally. There are various treatments that can help in preventing further hair loss and growing your hair back. You can opt for a hair transplant to address the problem of drastic hair loss.  

It is essential to take good care of your hair in order to prevent your hair follicles from weakening. Proper diet, scalp care and managing stress can help in enhancing the healthy growth of your hair. Furthermore, you can seek medical help from experts to help you treat hair loss and prevent hair breakage.


Dr. Shalin Parikh, M.D. is a primary care provider offering skilled, compassionate care in and around Irving and Coppell, TX. To make an appointment with Dr. Parikh, please visit